I found this clock on a street in Monticello that I was walking on.. I was trekking by myself, so didn't look around as much as I could have If I wasn't trying to find my way around.
I love Clocks. Don't know why, I would much rather have a clock with hands than digital anyday. This image just grabbed my attention though..
I was brought to the bottom of the Appalachian mountains this weekend to realize, it's time. Time to change, Time to grow, Time to trust, Time to Love, Time to let go. It is just time.
As I watched several cloud formations go over this, and watching the time go by, I was reminded I have been wasting A LOT of time worrying, griping, saying... and not a whole lot of positive and doing.
So to the change, "Bout Time"!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
It's time...
Monday, July 12, 2010
So interesting how things come and go in a cycle. It wasn't but a few months ago I was at this place reflecting over the flooded waters, this time over the dry, cracked earth..
As I walked this country road, along a field of corn on one side, soybeans on the other, I watched the heat just rise off the siloh. You could cut the humidity with a knife. Put in mind being in a sauna..That is what it has felt like here lately.. The clouds will roll in, heavy and daunting.. almost a tease for the farmers.. a few drops of rain, clash of thunder and lightning, and then its like a steam bath all over again.. Drying up everything in its path.
River banks running well below the normal levels, and the earth just cracking.. Like it is calling out to the heavens.. Okay, ready to drink..
So like I always do, reflect ... You could liken this whole scenario to one's life. When your at a point where you have nothing else to give, you are at the mercy of the one who sends the rains.. just like with the ground, cracks form, pressure bends one in ways you would have never imagined.. One is dry, emptied...
Then I smile.. :) Did you know that when things go dry, roots go deeper searching for water? Even though this patch of dry farmland looks scary, or bleak.. nah.. soon enough.... the rains will come, and just in the right timing, will soften the hard weathered ground to complete the process of this years seed sown.
Just as leaves turn over when in need of water, earth cracks, corn points to the sky.. We, feeling dehydrated, out of energy or strength can only drop to our knees.. A preparing of sorts.. almost genius.. A humbling experience.. When you wait... for the rain.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Sparks fly... colors in the sky
Friday, July 2, 2010
Flutter by.. If I were a butterfly
If I were a butterfly, where would I go?
Fluttering here and there
to and fro.
Gliding on winds breath,
taking in the scenes
Nothing to hold one back
because I have wings..
If I were a butterfly, where would I go?
flutter by, butterfly
to and fro..
Only I, only I, would know.
If I were a butterfly...
~Kimberley Jones 2010 "Flutter by butterfly"
Took this the other day on my porch.. Rain showers had just ended, and the sun was showing its face.. I had to let my lens acclimate
to the hot and humid conditions outside vs the nice cool room it was in.. (very time consuming when you have a fast subj. such as this..)
Butterflies just amaze me..when we see them in their fullness. One would find themselves in awe.. Fascination sets in as you watch one in flight, or resting on a flower, taking in its sweet nectar.
However, if one digs deeper into the story, it is even more fascinating.. I found this story some years ago, but it has helped me along the way..
The story of the butterfly
A man found a cocoon of a butterfly.
One day a small opening appeared.
He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours
as it struggled to squeeze its body through the tiny hole.
Then it stopped, as if it couldn't go further.
So the man decided to help the butterfly.
He took a pair of scissors and
snipped off the remaining bits of cocoon.
The butterfly emerged easily but
it had a swollen body and shriveled wings.
The man continued to watch it,
expecting that any minute the wings would enlarge
and expand enough to support the body,
Neither happened!
In fact the butterfly spent the rest of its life
crawling around.
It was never able to fly.
What the man in his kindness
and haste did not understand:
The restricting cocoon and the struggle
required by the butterfly to get through the opening
was a way of forcing the fluid from the body
into the wings so that it would be ready
for flight once that was achieved.
Sometimes struggles are exactly
what we need in our lives.
Going through life with no obstacles would cripple us.
We will not be as strong as we could have been
and we would never fly.
So have a nice day and struggle a little and teach well.
So a little thought to add.. With our struggles in life and sometimes the feeling comes across to just give up.. Remember, these struggles help give strength for one's fullness, When you can finally see the light and spread your wings and fly..
Flutter by butterfly, flutter by.
2bamazed, always
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The Shoes
One of my most favorite shots.. the mess of the wires on the floor, the moment of "first" heels, anticipation of my daughter's first dance, her hair flopping over.. :) Everything was just a beautiful mess. Coming in from the mall, bags were tossed here and there, the grab for the box that held "The Shoes" was in progress.. see these were different to her.. They were hers.
All I could do was just shoot.. Still new at the cam and settings etc. I saw the moment for what it was.. :) Firsts.. My daughter was growing up. I could in my mind remember her play dress shoes and jewelry that I thought she would never grow out of.. Or telling her to get out of my heels.. before she hurt herself.
I look back at this, and realize how much I have gained from this image. A milestone of many things.. Her life and the journey's she was about to take, my photography and it's journey, and such sweet friendships made.. All wrapped up in one image.
The shoes.
Journey on....
Sunday, June 20, 2010
As One....
As this young boy walks the track during judgement time, all the other children had adults walking with them.. This group here.. It was the band of brothers.. Silently they made they're round, the horse.. truly ONE with these two. I watched and gazed as the boy handled his horse, and it was with such gentleness, They seemed to have had this understanding.. This bond.. This trust. As the judging came to an end, and they received 2nd place.. the little boy stroked his Horse with shear joy.. Even though they didn't get 1st prize, they did it together, as ONE.. And to him, that was more than a piece of ribbon could say.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Summer Rain
One of my favorite images.. It just spoke.
When people ask me, "What is one of your favorite things of summer?" My reply?.. the smell of rain before it falls. :)
Then there is just something soothing about the rain.. It is the best time to take a nap peacefully.. I dunno, the sound can just knock a person out.. Then the cool breeze that follows is awesome.
Just something refreshing about a "Summer Rain"..
2bamazed, always.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Past...Present... and future
17 almost 18 years ago I became a mom.. Yes, of this fine young man. Dreams and aspirations went up on the shelf titled, "Save for later," and I had more important things to take care of.
Through bumps, bruises, many broken bones and laughs and tears.. I can never be more proud of the decision I made.
On this night, HIS night of completion.. I take a shot, almost ironic I must say.. A lot of people do not believe in "Everything happens for a reason", or timing. Well, I guess ours came around.
You see.. My dream was photography/photojournalism. How funny that on his graduation night, I was there for the Times News, a paper I work for, capturing an instant, a moment of the past, present and a glimpse of future. Perfect timing. :)
2bamazed, always.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Life is a dance...

"You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life".
So...I am learning a LOT of new things right now, which scare me.. But guess what, I can only sum it up to a dance. 123 and 4..123 and 4..learning, counting my steps.. stepping forward and back..
Its just life.. a dance.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The Crème Coffee House
If you are ever in my neck of the woods, this coffee house is the place to go.. As you walk in you are met by the smell of, ohhhh, the coffee. As your nostrils are filled you also hear some great music from various guitar players picking.. A warm fun atmosphere.. There is also a fountain and garden area for quiet chat in the back. I will return here. Hope you get a chance to visit.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Going home..
An ending thought to what we have been doing over the past week. This was the line of procession of my Brother-n-law. Yes, I had to take a picture. I was so amazed at the solemness that took place. As we winded through the country roads, and as I watched people stop, take their hats off, stop their yard work, all in respect for a family taking their loved one to his resting place was just amazing. Each turn had a reminded memory and a story. Even though this was a bittersweet trek, for the most part I believe we were all coming home in some form or fashion. Things that were important the day before, just didn't really seem to matter. What mattered was all right here on this country road.... just going home..
2bamazed, Always
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Passing shadows and light
I didn't even notice as I was taking this image, the shadow/impression of the bridge until I uploaded onto the screen. I just stared and looked how it just interwove itself amongst the water and light. Beautiful. To me anyhow.
I guess that is how it is in life.. People touch us in so many different ways and it isn't till we really take a closer look, that we realize the impression that has been so closely interwoven in our own lives.
Just a passing of shadows and light, leaving yet.. an impression.
B. Dale Jones
June 25th, 1951-May 16th, 2010
He fought the good fight...
Monday, May 10, 2010
I was trekking along, spotted him, did a spin, shot, and kept walking. There is just something majical about watching a photographer work.. You know, when I think about it.. We are kind of a unique group of people. :) Keeper of the moments and teller of tales to be told. All in the press of the shutter..
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
where this road leads...
It seems every road I turn, water.... We haven't even met the crest level yet, and I ask.... can it get worse? The answer is always yes..
A place I went today to just gather thoughts and reflect.. Tomorrow we go out again for more documentation. It is times like these when I guess you really find out what your made of..
Where this road leads? Same place it always has.. that has not changed.. I guess trusting that it will get you there... well that is the question.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Have a little fun.....
Ever find yourself busy busy busy?.....
I have finally come to the point this week where I needed a change of scenery.. I thought I would put the cam down, but then started taking cloud pics. Although it was fun and relaxing for me..
So I guess sometimes you just need to kick your feet up, let the sun hit your face and relax...and just have some fun...
;) 2b
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Road of broken fences
I took this on one of my drives.. As I turned each curve I was taking mental snapshots in my head.. I came up to this curve, and this was it.. I had come to the road of broken fences. I believe this image to be an image of decision.. When I look at it I am led into the frame by a road and a line of broken fences.. Both look to have wear on them. As they take the bend in the road and curve to the right, my eyes are forced to take notice of the trees arching out in the other direction towards the sun. Was glad I came upon this..
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Golden.. but for a moment
I then caught a glance of my little redbud tree, with the heart shaped leaves... I grabbed my cam, and returned to watch.. I put my eyes up against the eye piece...what I saw was awesome... the light was casting in such a way it was golden.. Circles of light, (bokeh) all around.. It was a moment I could not have orchestrated.. The timing of everything just falling into place... for a moment.
In life we have the same thing.. Golden moments.. Ones we could not orchestrate if we tried.. Things that just are in perfect timing.. A rarity I must say... Thats why they are referred to as golden...
2bamazed, always
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The anticipation of Spring.....
I do this evvvvvvvv-ery year.. I watch the trees bud. Run around my lawn to see if this is coming up, or that.. When I see even a tad of my carefully thought out land art peeking through the ground, I get excited.. Run to the next thing I planted the year before to see. :) This year I am more than anxious than last..
With all the rain and snow we have had over the Winter, I am anticipating an outstanding pallet of greenery and colors.. There is nothing better than watching the landscapes change.. The buds burst forth and the unfolding of all the colors and bouquets, with the air filled with such sweet fragrance .. I bring away with me every year the thought that Its not only the things that my hands have planted that I await to see... Its also so exciting to see the things I hadn't.. :)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Before the pose....
In life, many things are met with much perfection... We see the fixed and neatly packaged product, or the best writings of the greats.. The best paintings and sculptures.. Or the best images taken from thousands of shots.. It to me is kind of misleading in life... I believe or muse over the thought that the apex of anything of the end, is the before hand or shall I say, between.. That right there, is the substance.. for me anyway.
Between... you will find real life take place, frustrations, attempts, failures, decisions, love, loss, conversation, debate, every imagineable take place before the posed product..
My interest in this image is, between the pose, real life was taking place, it wasn't just a pose, a smile, and great colors or composition.. An empty fixed frame. As I browsed the image there were several things going on.. But you had to look closely..
Sunday, February 28, 2010
It doesn't take much....
It really doesn't take much to make me smile..
Simple things such as these rays coming through the aged wood boards of a barn. Or the smell of rain before it falls, or little flowers poking out of a field of weeds. I used to not be that way, I was in the rat race of trying for the best, wanting and wanting more.. ( I struggle with that on my camera stuff.. :) But I finally realized that was such an empty place for me.. One day out of no where it all became clear to me... the things of worth do not have a pricetag.. If they could come with one, I wouldn't even be able to afford it. But they are given freely..If we take the time to take notice. For so long I passed these simple yet priceless beauties up. Thank goodness I have been given the eyes to see and appreciate.
Simply 2b
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Winter Blues
Enough is enough already.. so much snow this winter.. Forecasters say more is on its way... After the first real full snow, and a couple times scraping the windows, I have my fill.. :) So now that it is only a couple weeks before Spring, I am stuck in the Winter blues...
do do do do do... Early in the morning, do do do do do,I go out and start my car... do do do do do.. the windshield is so glazed over with ice and snow.. do do do do do, I have to wait an hour before I go.. do do do do do,
You know its not working... these cold dreary days.. Im longing for Spring and Summer, and those warm sunrays..
Thinking about it, gives me the winter blues.. yah, yah I've got these ole Winter Blues..
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Rearview Mirror
Taken of my son today.. Alot of changes are about to happen in his life. He leaves a life of decisions made, boundaries set. Its about to be his call..
As one looks ahead in life, on things to come, or the unforseen.. We are constantly reminded of things in our past. Decisions we made. Steps we took. Were they worth it? Did we make a difference? Time reveals all.. And only one can tell, when they take a look, in their rearview mirror...
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentines Day!
Today is the day, where we all let one another know they are loved.. I personally think it should be a daily event, but who am I to dash the holiday tradition..
As I think on this day and on my loved ones, family and friends, I must say that I am very thankful..
So to this I say, "Happy Valentines DaY!"
Friday, January 1, 2010
So what's "Your" New Year's Resolution?
As we are now in to 2010, a theme I ran into when doing a series for a local paper, was that people are saving money... Shying away from the old days of credit and debt.. People I believe are now finally waking up to the cold hard truth, that money does NOT grow on trees.. I wish all the best in 2010, and much prosperity, kindness and goodwill.